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The Rambled

The Rambler

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Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States
One girl, so many things to say. So I got myself an outlet.


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Zoe G.
One girl, so many things to say. So I got myself an outlet.
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Thursday, February 17, 2011

Thirty Letter Challenge 1- My Best Friend

Dear Dina,

God I miss you. Why'd you have to go all the way up to New York for school? And then your family had to move to New Jersey. Sucks, that does.

 I haven't seen you since October; I haven't spoken to you in a month. I don't know if that means we're not best friends anymore. I hope not. You're the one who stood by me in eleventh grade by refusing to choose between me and your boyfriend while trying to make Josh stop acting like such an asshole to me. Well, it happened eventually, didn't it? I love you for your unswerving loyalty and your uncanny ability to keep a secret. Even if it does drive me crazy sometime (come on, who is the girl M was using me to get over?).

I miss drama club practices at Pizza where you stole my curly fries and we joked about you losing your iPod in Josh's car. By the way, my number hasn't changed since the last time we spoke; I hope you've kept your promise and kept yours the same, too. I never thought I'd say this but, I think I miss high school. Wow, that sounds weird. I miss sitting around our table for an entire period not actually doing anything but having the time of our lives. Life was so much simpler back then.

Well Chica, I should probably stop writing this, pick up the phone and call you. I think I'll do that.

Talk to you soon


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